3 minute read
We highly recommend using our Composer Project Template to build and maintain your WxT derived project’s codebase.
Server Requirements
As Drupal WxT is a Drupal distribution, the official guide for Drupal system requirements will apply.
- Composer Download
- Tarball Download
- Site Installation
- Standalone Installation
- Default Content via Migrate
Composer Download
Run the following commands (choosing your version) and replace site-name with the directory of your choice this is where WxT will be installed.
# Requires PHP 8.2 (Drupal 10 LTS)
composer self-update
composer create-project drupalwxt/site-wxt:10.4.x-dev <site-name> --no-interaction
# Requires PHP 8.3 (Drupal 11 - alpha release)
composer self-update
composer create-project drupalwxt/site-wxt:11.1.x-dev <site-name> --no-interaction
Note: Normally you would pass a stable tag to the above command rather then just pulling from the development branch.
Tarball Download
If you don’t want to use Composer, you can install WxT the traditional way by downloading a tarball from WxT’s GitHub releases page.
Note: That the tarball generated by the packager does not include the required Composer dependencies and should not be used without following the specialized instructions.
For the (optional) container based local development workflow please consult our documentation site:
Site Installation
a) The Drupal Root is in <site-name>/html
b) You can install Drupal WxT through the browser as any other drupal installation or use drush site-install
to install the WxT installation profile:
drush si wxt \
--sites-subdir=default \
--db-url=mysql://root:root@db:3306/wxt \
--account-name=admin \
--account-pass=Drupal@2024 \ \
--site-name="Drupal Install Profile (WxT)" \
wxt_extension_configure_form.select_all='TRUE' \
install_configure_form.update_status_module='array(FALSE,FALSE)' \
Note: If you wish to only install the minimum set of dependencies please remove the
flag in its entirety.
c) You can download up-to-date translations using:
drush locale-check
drush locale-update
d) If you work for the Government of Canada you will want to enable the
drush config-set wxt_library.settings wxt.theme theme-gcweb -y
Note: You can navigate to the
settings page.
e) The Drupal WxT site should now be sucessfully installed and you can loging via the /user
Note: Please always go to the
page and confirm there are no warnings and / or errors.
Standalone Installation
The standalone install is provided as an additional method for those who do not wish to have the full weight of a distribution and its required dependencies. You will need to add at the minimum the below listed modules and themes (including Bootstrap base theme) as well as the WxT jQuery Framework assets installed into the /libraries
folder with the proper naming scheme.
Note: We highly recommend that you use the distribution method as limited support is provided for the standalone method.
Default Content via Migrate
The following is an example of how to use the Migrate API module to import common design patterns for aligning to the C&IA specifications:
# Set the WxT theme to GCWeb
drush config-set wxt_library.settings wxt.theme theme-gcweb -y
# Import design patterns for
drush migrate:import --group wxt --tag 'Core'
drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Core'
drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Menu'
drush cr
Note: There is a corresponding group
for importing the corresponding french content.