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    For the (optional) container based development workflow this is roughly the steps that are followed.

    Clone the docker-scaffold repository:

    git clone docker

    Note: The docker folder should be added to your .gitignore file.

    Linux Environments

    The following are the steps you should follow for a Linux based environment.

    Create the necessary symlinks:

    ln -s docker/docker-compose.base.yml docker-compose.base.yml
    ln -s docker/
    ln -sf docker/docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml

    Create and adjust the following Makefile:

    include .env
    NAME := $(or $(BASE_IMAGE),$(BASE_IMAGE),drupalwxt/site-wxt)
    VERSION := $(or $(VERSION),$(VERSION),'latest')
    PLATFORM := $(shell uname -s)
    $(eval GIT_USERNAME := $(if $(GIT_USERNAME),$(GIT_USERNAME),gitlab-ci-token))
    GET_DOCKER := $(shell [ -d docker ] || git clone $(DOCKER_REPO) docker)
    include docker/Makefile

    Build and setup your environment with default content:

    # Composer install
    export COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 && composer install
    # Make our base docker image
    make build
    # Bring up the dev stack
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml build --no-cache
    docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
    # Install Drupal
    make drupal_install
    # Development configuration
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set system.performance js.preprocess 0 -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set system.performance css.preprocess 0 -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set wxt_library.settings wxt.theme theme-gcweb -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush cr
    # Migrate default content
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group wxt --tag 'Core' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Core' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Menu'

    Modern OSX Environments

    If you have Docker for Desktop and a new enough OSX environment (Monterey or higher) then the steps are the exact same as those for the Linux environment given above.

    All that is required in advance is to enable VirtioFS accelerated directory sharing which you can see in the attached picture below.

    Docker for Desktop VirtioFS
    Image: Drupal / CC-BY-CA

    For older environments you may still use mutagen which is discussed below.

    Legacy OSX Environments (Mutagen)

    While this is fixed with the new virtualization framework discussed above.

    For older environments mutagen will have to be used instead and as such requires a few additional steps.

    # Mutagen Setup
    export VOLUME=site-wxt-mutagen-cache
    docker volume create $VOLUME
    docker container create --name $VOLUME -v $VOLUME:/volumes/$VOLUME mutagenio/sidecar:0.13.0-beta3
    docker start $VOLUME
    mutagen sync create --name $VOLUME --sync-mode=two-way-resolved --default-file-mode-beta 0666 --default-directory-mode-beta 0777  $(pwd) docker://$VOLUME/volumes/$VOLUME
    # Create symlinks
    ln -s docker/docker-compose.mutagen.yml docker-compose.mutagen.yml
    # Composer install
    export COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 && composer install
    # Make our base docker image
    make build
    # Bring up the dev stack
    docker compose -f docker-compose.mutagen.yml build --no-cache
    docker compose -f docker-compose.mutagen.yml up -d
    # Install Drupal
    make drupal_install
    # Development configuration
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set system.performance js.preprocess 0 -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set system.performance css.preprocess 0 -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush config-set wxt_library.settings wxt.theme theme-gcweb -y && \
    ./docker/bin/drush cr
    # Migrate default content
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group wxt --tag 'Core' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Core' && \
    ./docker/bin/drush migrate:import --group gcweb --tag 'Menu'


    If you wish to have a pristine docker environment you may execute the following commands.

    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) --force
    docker rmi $(docker images -q) --force
    docker volume prune -f

    For those still using Mutagen you may also need to execute the following command:

    mutagen sync terminate <sync_xxxxx>