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Configuration Management

    Drupal WxT thanks to the work done by the Acquia Team is able to use advanced configuration management strategies.

    At the moment this remains an opt-in process and you will have to add the following modules to your composer.json before you add the code snippet below to your settings.php file.

    Once enabled all default configuration will be stored in /sites/default/files/config/default/ and then depending on your environment additionally configuration splits can be leveraged depending on your SDLC.

     * Configuration Split for Configuration Management
     * WxT is following the best practices given by Acquia for configuration
     * management. The "default" configuration directory should be shared between
     * all multi-sites, and each multisite will override this selectively using
     * configuration splits.
     * To disable this functionality simply set the following parameters:
     * $wxt_override_config_dirs = FALSE;
     * $settings['config_sync_directory'] = $dir . "/config/$site_dir";
     * See
     * for more information.
    use Drupal\wxt\Robo\Common\EnvironmentDetector;
    if (!isset($wxt_override_config_dirs)) {
      $wxt_override_config_dirs = TRUE;
    if ($wxt_override_config_dirs) {
      $config_directories['sync'] = $repo_root . "/var/www/html/sites/default/files/config/default";
      $settings['config_sync_directory'] = $repo_root . "/var/www/html/sites/default/files/config/default";
    $split_filename_prefix = 'config_split.config_split';
    if (isset($config_directories['sync'])) {
      $split_filepath_prefix = $config_directories['sync'] . '/' . $split_filename_prefix;
    else {
      $split_filepath_prefix = $settings['config_sync_directory'] . '/' . $split_filename_prefix;
     * Set environment splits.
    $split_envs = [
    foreach ($split_envs as $split_env) {
      $config["$split_filename_prefix.$split_env"]['status'] = FALSE;
    if (!isset($split)) {
      $split = 'none';
      if (EnvironmentDetector::isLocalEnv()) {
        $split = 'local';
      if (EnvironmentDetector::isCiEnv()) {
        $split = 'ci';
      if (EnvironmentDetector::isDevEnv()) {
        $split = 'dev';
      elseif (EnvironmentDetector::isTestEnv()) {
        $split = 'test';
      elseif (EnvironmentDetector::isQaEnv()) {
        $split = 'qa';
      elseif (EnvironmentDetector::isProdEnv()) {
        $split = 'prod';
    if ($split != 'none') {
      $config["$split_filename_prefix.$split"]['status'] = TRUE;
     * Set multisite split.
    // $config["$split_filename_prefix.SITENAME"]['status'] = TRUE;